Testing Services
NOTICE: If you are seeking testing services, we are not currently accepting new clients for testing due to high volume. We are currently accepting new therapy clients. When we resume accepting new testing clients, we will post an update here on our website.
About Our Testing Services
Shared Vision’s testing services have gained a reputation with local health providers as a reliable source for comprehensive, accurate psychological evaluations and insightful, integrative reports. The clinic offers testing for a diverse range of presenting concerns, including disorders of development, attention, mood, anxiety, learning, and brain function.

Clinicians with specialized training work with children, adolescents and adults to assess Neuropsychological, Cognitive, Social-Emotional, and Developmental functioning. We use a variety of standard measures to improve our understanding of the questions and concerns that prompt you to seek our services. Through detailed, relevant recommendations, we strive to help family members, schools, and treatment teams implement interventions that best promote each client’s optimal functioning and well being.
While many people self-refer, our clients also come to us from local pediatricians, psychiatrists, teachers, school administrators, occupational therapists, physical therapists, counselors and psychotherapists.
Our Assessment Process
Participating in a psychological assessment is more than receiving a diagnosis—it is an opportunity to learn more about how your or your child’s brain works, and how to best support growth.
Click the items below for more information about each step of our process:
Initial Contact
When you complete an online submission or call our office, you will speak to a member of our Intake Team to briefly discuss why you are requesting assessment. They will gather contact and billing information and set you up with a provider for an intake appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: We currently have a waitlist to begin our testing services. Before you can be seen for testing, we offer a variety of services to support you in the meantime. This may include:
- Referrals to other area providers with more immediate availability
- Parent guidance services
- Individual or group therapy services
- Consultation on accessing school accommodations and support
There will be several forms for you to complete through your client portal account. An important piece of this process is the completion of the “Neuropsychological Interview Packet.” This document will ask about you or your child’s medical, academic, social, and developmental history. It may be helpful to look back on personal records or ask for family members’ assistance in filling this out so that it is completed in its entirety. Your intake clinician will review this packet before your intake appointment and will ask follow-up questions as needed.
Intake Appointment
In this hour-long appointment, our clinicians will explain to you the timeline of your assessment, as well as policies and procedures of our clinic. They will also interview you about you or your child’s history and reason for coming in for assessment. This is a good chance for you to ask any questions about our assessment process and clarify what you hope the assessment can provide for you.
If you are coming in for an assessment of your child, only parents will be present at this appointment unless discussed beforehand.
Pediatric Intake
For children and adolescents who do not participate in the initial intake appointment, we will invite them to come into the office for an hour-long meeting with their testing clinician. This is an opportunity for them to get to know who they will be meeting with, familiarize themselves with our space, and develop an understanding of what an assessment entails. We will work together with you to provide the child with some language about what to expect and what it means to be coming in for an assessment.
This meeting also gives our clinicians an opportunity to observe your child in a more unstructured, play-based environment.
In-Person Assessment
On average, there will be 2-3 in-person assessment appointments where you or your child come to our Oak Brook office to complete different activities for a span of 2-3 hours. These will take place in morning hours during the week, and we can provide a doctor’s note to excuse your child from school, if applicable. The frequency and length of appointments will depend on the scope of the assessment your child’s capacities, and your availability.
While parents of older children may choose to leave the office for nearby errands, we ask that parents of young children remain in the waiting room for your child’s in-person testing appointments.
Online Questionnaires
Your clinician will provide you with an emailed link to online questionnaires you will complete through a HIPAA-secure website. These provide important collateral information for the assessment. As such, it may also be helpful to gather the perspectives of other important people in your child’s life, such as other family members, teachers, therapists, etc.
Feedback Appointment
It will take a few weeks for the testing clinician to compile the information into a comprehensive written report. Once it is complete, you will schedule a feedback appointment, which is an opportunity to go over the results and discuss recommendations. Following the feedback, the written evaluation will be available through your client portal account.
Pediatric Feedback Appointment
For pediatric assessments, it is often beneficial to schedule a feedback session for your child as well. The clinician will go over results in a developmentally-appropriate manner, highlighting strengths and providing them with growth-promoting language around areas of difference.
Moving Forward...
We welcome an ongoing relationship following each assessment to assist in guiding you or your child to the optimal treatment steps.
For those seeking school accommodations, your testing clinician can help to guide you through the process of initiating school services, which may include providing a school-specific version of the report or attending IEP meetings.